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"Throwing In The Towel"
Africa Ep 4
Season Survivor: Africa
Episode Number 4/13 (030)
First Broadcast March 14, 2015
Episode Chronology
Previous The Wealth Factor
Next The Twist

Throwing In The Towel is the fourth episode of Survivor: Africa.


Day 9 (Night)

Boran returns to camp having just voted Neville from the game. The tribe appears to have found a new optimism in the game, all sitting around discussing the positives of Neville leaving the game, all reaching the conclusion that his removal will bring the group closer.

Tonight I did get some heat for screwing up, which like sucks! Uh, I just hope that they don't hold this against me in the future.


Neville's gone, and I hope it was the right decision not only for the tribe, but for me. I don't really have a secure spot in any small alliance, and that was something that did make me consider going with Neville, Marsha and Mary. I just hope that I'll be here on day thirty-nine saying this was right for my game.


Quote1Alright guys, I'm off to bed.Quote2- Don
Quote1Night Don.Quote2- Mary
Quote1I'm gonna hit it too...Quote2- Marsha
Quote1I'll stay up and keep watch. Mary you ok with staying with me?Quote2- Soledad
Quote1Sure.Quote2- Mary
Quote1I just want to, bathe in our victory a bit more (laughs)Quote2- Soledad
I am so glad that we lost the challenge because it means Neville is no more. He was getting so unbearable I was falling apart, and in all my career as a barrister I've never met someone so repugnant. Its good to know that on this tribe I have people on my side, and hopefully tomorrow I can show the group that I haven't lost the qualities that got me elected leader in the first place.


Mary and Soledad stay up to keep watch, both discussing the future of the Boran tribe, hoping that it will be brighter than the past three days.

Day 10


With their new found optimism, the Boran tribe all arise early in the morning in order to tackle the days tasks around camp. Abbas, Marsha and Kris head off towards the water supply, all discussing their hopes at winning the next immunity challenges, as there would be no more "easy votes" now that Neville is out of the game. After collecting the water, the group heads back, only to spot several giraffes off in the distance. The three stand in awe, with Kris wanting to get a better look, climbing a tree in order to see the animals from up high.

Seeing these animals really put it into perspective. That we are out here in Africa, that we're... in the wild. We could be walking and see a group of lions and there wouldn't be a glass window protecting us. We're effectively living like the traditional tribes our here in Kenya, and that's something that will make me appreciate the safety back home even more.


Quote1You're not climbing up there are you?Quote2- Abbas
Quote1Of course I am... When else can I see this...Quote2- Kris
Quote1Oh God (puts hands over her face)Quote2- Marsha
I've seen Kris climbing trees before, and it never ends well. He's a bit clumsy... but he's young so he feels that he is invincible. But of course he aint... so...


Before reaching the top, Kris falls from the tree, landing badly on his ankle. Despite claiming that he is fine, he shows signs of pain whilst attempting to stand back up, having sprained his ankle badly, possibly fracturing his foot. Abbas helps him back to camp, with Marsha carrying the water alone, spilling some on the way due to its weight.

I was pretty stupid today. I tried to climb up a tree to see some... uh... what are they called... giraffes! It pretty much backfired (laughs)


When walking back into camp, the rest of the Boran tribe run over to Kris, concerned as to why he is limping. Abbas explains to the tribe what had occurred, leading Phillis to become annoyed, before giving the tribe a speech on why they shouldn't risk injury in the game.

Phillis is getting on a lot of our nerves. She just kind of acts like she's a natural leader who can give impromptu speeches and get us all motivated. But she really cant! She isolates people with her attitude and has this dark side which frightens a lot of us. People are saying there wont be an easy vote going into other tribal councils, but for me Phillis would be an easy vote. Probably easier than Neville.


My tribe seems to have gone into a retarded state. We have Soledad the failed leader, Mary the appeaser, Don the pensioner, Kris the cripple... then there's just Marsha who is floating along causing more damage. The only person out here who I freaking respect is Abbas, because he gets the work done and doesn't ask questions. I feel its time for myself to really take charge because I refuse to see my tribe fall victim to their own stupidity.


Whilst giving her speech, all of Phillis' tribe members are seen rolling their eyes, especially Marsha, who isn't letting it remain a secret that she doesn't like her. After Phillis' speech, the tribe get back to work, leaving Kris to rest his ankle, which has swollen and become even more tender throughout the course of the day.


The Samburu tribe work around camp, pondering as to which Boran member has been voted out. Everyone but Phoebe and Briallen get involved in the conversation, with Briallen sitting by herself, and Phoebe reluctant to join in any group discussions.

Quote1I reckon its a girl.Quote2- David
Quote1Why because girls are weaker? (laughs)Quote2- Adela
Quote1No, no! Just because its how these things normally go.Quote2- David
Quote1Well we've voted out two boys so far. Four girls are standing strong here.Quote2- Ingrid
Quote1I wouldn't say standing strong (smirks and looks over at Phoebe)Quote2- Luigino
Luigino likes to take digs at me. I've decided the smartest thing to do is to just ignore his crusty old self. It's sad that someone at his age still acts that immature... I feel sorry for his family.


There's still definitely tension between Phoebe and Luigino. I suppose its good that they now just ignore one another, but it is worrying to think we could go to a merge with both of them here, because I cant see unity being a result we gain from that. Of the two I definitely feel closer with Luigino, just because he pulls his weight at camp and doesn't lie around moping all day.


Quote1I would hope a man goes, just so we can say three men went first.Quote2- Ingrid
Quote1I'm with Ingrid on this one (laughs), its about time a girl won this thing.Quote2- Adela
Quote1A girl isn't going to win this season, I can tell you that much.Quote2- Luigino
Quote1What makes you say that?Quote2- Adela
Quote1Because I'm playing (laughs)Quote2- Luigino
Luigino... (sighs) You've got to love the guy. I know I love him because he is just such a joker. I think the reason some people here have an issue with him is because they don't actually understand his whole mentality and sarcasm. I know when he's joking so I can find what he says humorous and I'm thankful he's here. I think every tribe should have a Luigino (laughs)


I feel as though my tribe accept me a lot more now then they did at the start. I make my comments now and I'm not met with the usual liberal s**t from Phoebe or Ingrid... There are positives either way though. If my tribe don't mind what I say, then they like me and will keep me safe... If my tribe don't like what I say, then they see me as an egotistical chauvinist, the perfect person to take to the end of the game... It's almost as if either way I'm getting a win from this, and it assures me that my strategy is working.


The tribe continue to spend their day talking, with Briallen and Phoebe seeming to be more and more on the outs, although the tribe attempts to encourage both to take part in discussions. Eventually Briallen joins the group, where as Phoebe remains in her state of silence, particularly when around Luigino.

Being on the outs isn't fun. I feel alone, I feel trapped... I don't have the optimism to say that my tribe can win the next few challenges keeping me here until the merge... I know I'm not making it that far and that I'll go home with this stupid red buff around my head (she wipes tears from her face)... They try their best to make me feel like I'm apart of the group, but I know they've all decided I'm the next to go.


Day 11

Challenge: Caught in the Web
On a web of rope, hang twelve baskets, each containing a food item. One at a time, the Survivors must race up their tribe's ramp, across the netting and up the rope web. They then retrieve one basket and race back to the finish line. Once they cross the line, the next tribe member goes. The first tribe to get all their items back in thier basket wins.
Reward: 12 food items (from the baskets in the challenge) that will dramatically improve meals; things like olive oil, sun dried tomatoes, etc.
Winner: Boran

Reward Challenge: Caught in the Web
Result Tribe Competitors Sit Outs
Won Boran Abbas AfricaDon AfricaMarsha AfricaMary AfricaPhillis AfricaSoledad Africa
Abbas, Don, Marsha, Mary, Neville, Phillis, Soledad
Kris Africa
Lost Samburu Adela AfricaBriallen AfricaDavid AfricaIngrid AfricaLuigino AfricaPhoebe Africa
Adela, Briallen, David, Ingrid, Luigino, Phoebe


The Boran tribe return to camp having just won the reward challenge. The group sit around the fire (which Don sets alight), looking through the food items they have just won, agreeing to make their evening meal a substantial one.

Winning today gives the tribe its moral back, and I think going into tomorrows challenge we'll be in high spirits, hopefully giving us the much needed push to keep us away from tribal council.


Having won all this food meant that we could get a good amount in us tonight, giving us the energy boost that will undoubtedly give us the advantage tomorrow. If we lose tomorrow I'll be both shocked and embarrassed, but mostly shocked.


Whilst deciding on the quantity of food that should be cooked, Marsha and Phillis have a disagreement, with Marsha feeling as though they would be wasting food if they cook too much, where as Phillis feels they have enough to last them until the merge. Marsha asks for her tribe mates opinions, wanting to know if she's the only one disagreeing with Phillis, but is met by silence. Phillis takes the silence as a sign that she is right, before throwing several foot items into the pots, beginning to cook it.

Phillis is just a bully, she likes to use these scare tactics on the tribe, raising her voice thinking that wins her arguments... It doesn't because no one here respects her. It just annoys me that none of them got the guts to speak up against her. She's a tiny twig! Girl isn't even reaching five-five and has the smallest frame out here! But people like Abbas, Kris and Soledad the so called cutthroat lawyer don't wanna speak up against her!? Really!? If I gotta be the one to do so then game on because I will not back down from someone like that, if I cause my own demise then so be it, but I wont let her do that for me... Give me a few more days and I'll let them all see Phillis for who she is, and then she can bitch about me in the losers lodge (laughs)


Quote1Phillis just calm down for a second and we can-...Quote2- Mary
Quote1Mary don't give me your appeasing c**p right now please. I don't want to hear it and I'm tired of it.Quote2- Phillis
Quote1Phillis I'm just trying to tell you that you're getting quite aggressive here.Quote2- Mary
Quote1Because you and your 'home girl' are being stupid as usual!Quote2- Phillis
Quote1Mary... Leave it... They're all happy to leave it so lets just move on, I'm not going to fight a battle with someone too ignorant to listen.Quote2- Marsha
Marsha and Mary have had their little alliance since day two or something, and its time to send one of them home. Marsha is useless in every possible way, and Mary is possibly the most irritating person on the tribe. I mean who the hell thinks patterns in the sand could point to a victory or a loss!? Her personal item is a pack of tarot cards and believe me I'll throw the damn things in the fire if I have to... We're all sick of it, the gimmick was funny at first... Now its just annoying. I know Soledad, Don, Kris and Abbas all see through her act too... No one is that nice twenty-four hours a day.


Quote1I mean just pick a side Mary, stop sitting on the fence trying to act like things will always turn out ok... I'm the realist here, you need to stop living in your fairytale and quit the crystal ball s**t.Quote2- Phillis
Quote1(whispering to Mary) Just stay calm, and it'll blow over, ok?Quote2- Abbas
Phillis has bad energy surrounding her, I saw it from early on and its really taking its toll on me. She seems to have a problem with anyone trying to be positive in this game and likes to belittle them in front of everyone. Marsha is stronger than me in that she can take her on with ease, but I hate confrontation and I cant rise to someone like that. She wants to wage a war on myself then go for it because I'm not going to retaliate, and I hope that will gain me favor with my tribe mates. Thankfully Abbas stepped in and took me to one side... he does yoga so he has a very calm spirit, and really knows how to deal with these situations. He and I both sat together and just cleared our minds, and I felt like a new being has emerged inside me, ready to take the days as they come.



The Samburu tribe returns to camp having just lost another challenge, this time missing out on extra food items as reward. Phoebe bursts into tears upon returning, being comforted by Adela and Ingrid, who assure her that everything will be ok. David stands by and watches, whereas Briallen and Luigino feel further irritated by Phoebe's attitude, walking away from her, making no effort to comfort her during the breakdown.

Quote1I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE! (screams and falls to the ground whilst crying)Quote2- Phoebe
Quote1Shhh! It'll be fine, just sit down for a bit.Quote2- Ingrid
Quote1Phoebe calm down! Just... Uh...Quote2- Adela
Ooh 'I cant take it, I cant take it'. Shut the f**k up!


That girl is absolutely insane. What the hell is wrong with someone to make them react like that... If someone did this in the real world they'd be shipped off to the mental home pronto, and believe me I'll lock her up out here if I have to.


Quote1Phoebe, stop screaming and drink some water...Quote2- David
Quote1David just leave her! She needs space!Quote2- Ingrid
Quote1If she needs space then stop leaning over her!Quote2- David
Quote1Great, one crazy girl breaks down and you all start arguing... Shall we just vote her out now or?Quote2- Luigino
Quote1No one is voting her out!Quote2- Ingrid

Phoebe is taken to one side by Ingrid and Adela, leaving David to stand by himself. Briallen joins Luigino by the fire, with the two discussing their disliking of Phoebe, and how they feel she should be the next to go. David overhears the conversation, but decides not to interject, feeling as though Briallen is a potentially dangerous player to be kept in the game.

There's no doubt in my mind that Briallen is stronger and better then Phoebe in this game. However, going into a merge we cant have someone like Briallen who knows she's on the bottom. We've seen in seasons past the person at the bottom is the one who flips, and Briallen is that person. Then again taking Phoebe would be like sticking a grenade up your ass and hoping for the best. I feel as though the safest thing would honestly be to merge without the numbers, because both Briallen and Phoebe are liabilities in this game.


Quote1Come next tribal I'm writing her name down.Quote2- Briallen
Quote1As am I...Quote2- Luigino
Quote1Really? I thought it was me going...Quote2- Briallen
Quote1There's no way they'd vote you out over... that.Quote2- Luigino
Quote1I don't know. Ingrid and Adela are both pussy-footing around her.Quote2- Briallen
Quote1David will talk sense into them... I can guarantee you that.Quote2- Luigino
Thank you Phoebe. Thank you for going so awry that I'm able to make a reasonable plea to keep myself in this game. Luigino is sensible and knows that Phoebe needs to go, I can only hope that he's right and David will get the others on board. If they vote me out over her then I wish nothing but failure on this group because they would have sealed their own fate.


Over to the side of the camp, Phoebe continues to cry, feeling as though she is trapped in the game. Adela begins to roll her eyes as Phoebe talks, clearly becoming annoyed at her attitude.

I don't actually feel bad for Phoebe at all. She's annoying the hell out of me right now, and if I wasn't looking at the bigger picture I'd recommend we voted her out next. She does nothing around camp, she isn't that good in challenges, and she constantly dampens the mood around camp! David seems to feel that we should keep our five together too, but I don't know if we'll get to a point where both of us say 'screw it', and just vote her out of this game. Ingrid loves Phoebe, she keeps saying how she's like her daughter or something... If we vote her out then we alienate Ingrid... But if we keep her we screw ourselves... Samburu is absolutely screwed, I honestly cant see how we as a tribe will overcome the problems we're facing before the merger.


Phoebe eventually stops crying, spending the rest of the day sleeping under Ingrid's watch, whilst the rest of her tribe sit around the fire complaining about Samburu's consistent failure.

I hate this game, I hate my tribe and I hate that I have to be here. I don't know what I've done to deserve this! This isn't the same as being on an island by the sea where there's water... Its horrible here! Its all... Its all sand! Sand! (she throws dirt up at the camera before crying once again)


Day 12

Both tribes receive tree mail informing them that they will be facing their next immunity challenge. Boran opt to sit out Soledad, as Kris pleas to the group to allow him to take part, wanting to show that his injury will not impact his performance in challenges.

The tribe has allowed me to play today, and I hope that it doesn't backfire. I've really put my head on the chopping block with this one because if I do fail then there's no way I survive this tribal council, but if it goes well then I come back a hero.


It really is crunch time for me. If we lose again then it looks like I'll be going home. I've even taken up praying to give me a glimmer of hope (laughs)


Challenge: Movin' on Up
In this challenge, each tribe has a camp with a hut, an animal pen, a flag pole and various camp supplies. The first tribe to relocate thier camp up to thier new home, 200 yards up a hill, and recreate it exactly as it was at first location wins immunity. 2 members from each tribe will act as the "architects". Their job is to remember exactly what the camp looks like at the first location and make sure it gets recreated exactly the same way at the new location; they will not help move the camp, they will be up at the new location and they can only help their tribe rebuild once their peices have been placed inside thier circle. The other members will be responsible for actually, physically relocating the camp. Last rule: the flag pole must be the last thing they put in.
Winner: Boran
Information (Boran): Kris, Marsha, Mary and Phillis all perform well, with Mary managing to memorize the layout, putting it together with ease. Don somewhat struggles to remember the layout, but helps give the tribe direction on putting it together. Abbas performs somewhat poorly, slipping during the challenge slowing down his tribe.
Information (Samburu): Briallen, Ingrid, Luigino and Phoebe all perform well. Adela and David perform poorly, both struggling to carry the objects, slowing the tribe down, resulting in their third loss.

Immunity Challenge: Movin' on Up
Result Tribe Movers Memorizers Sit Outs
Won Boran Abbas AfricaKris AfricaMarsha AfricaPhillis Africa
Abbas, Kris, Marsha, Neville, Phillis
Don AfricaMary Africa
Don, Mary
Soledad Africa
Lost Samburu Adela AfricaBriallen AfricaDavid AfricaPhoebe Africa
Adela, Briallen, David, Phoebe
Ingrid AfricaLuigino Africa
Ingrid, Luigino


The Samburu tribe returns to camp having just lost their third immunity challenge, meaning that any further immunity losses will guarantee that the tribe merges with a minority in numbers. David and Adela both feel guilty for costing the tribe the win, both slipping during the course costing the tribe to fall behind. Adela goes to apologize to the group, but David quickly shushes her, not wanting to draw any attention onto themselves.

Adela went to say sorry for me and her sucking today, but I had to keep her quiet. Why let the tribe know that you sucked?! I mean the tribe might not be smart enough to realize this themselves (laughs) ... When you're on a tribe with these people I doubt they even knew there was a challenge today.


I found it amusing that both David and Adela screwed us today, and therefore bring my game to a close. It sucks, it absolutely sucks! But what's worse is that neither of them even said sorry. It made me lose respect for both of them, because they know that they're safe, but that doesn't mean you're above saying sorry.


Quote1Can we talk about it guys?Quote2- Ingrid
Quote1About what?Quote2- Luigino
Quote1The vote... Is it who I think it is?Quote2- Ingrid
Quote1(nods)Quote2- David
Quote1You know you guys can just say it out loud. I know what's happening... No need to be so subtle.Quote2- Briallen
She knows that its her time. I suppose there was no need to talk about it, especially not right in front of her. But whatever.


Quote1Well I'm going to pack my bags. Its complete bull that you're being this stupid guys, but when it comes back to bite you in the butt you can blame yourselves.Quote2- Briallen
Quote1Well I'd like to vote out Phoebe...Quote2- Luigino
Quote1That's who I'm voting, and I hope two more of you do the same.Quote2- Briallen
Quote1I don't care about going home. I want to. But Luigino you're being a complete ass if you want to rub it in my face like that!Quote2- Phoebe
Rub it in your face!? You've been asking to go home since day six you stupid b***h! Someone strangle her before I do because I'm losing all little patience I have left.


I want to go home tonight, but Ingrid, Adela and David don't want to send me home. It sucks because they're forcing me to stay here against my will! I suppose the only positive is that Luigino will be miserable because he'll be subjected to further tears coming from me. I suppose that's all he knows me for.


Adela stands with Briallen whilst she packs her bag, she apologizes that things are going this way, and that if she wasn't concerned with loyalty she too would be voting out Phoebe. Briallen barely responds, feeling as though Adela needs to be stronger, as she's just blindly following David who has taken over the tribe, highlighting that David "sucked in the challenge". Unbeknownst to Briallen, David is stood behind her, overhearing every word she says.

(shaking his head) She wants to call me out for being weak when I've been one of the strongest ones out here? Sorry but I cant have that, not in a game like this. She just sealed her fate. Goodbye Briallen, keep packing that bag.


It concerns me that someone who is an outsider views me as a follower as opposed to someone who makes up their own mind. Although Briallen is leaving tonight she has helped me realize that if I want to win this game I need to step up, show people that I'm not David's right hand woman, and that I'm someone who makes up her own mind, and makes her own moves. I cant have the jury have the same perception of me that Briallen holds.


Only Phoebe and Briallen pack their bags for tribal, with the other members confident that they will be staying in the game.

Quote1Glad to see that you packed your bag.Quote2- Luigino
Quote1Why?Quote2- Phoebe
Quote1Because I'm voting you out tonight. I actually hope David, Adela and Ingrid will join me because if you stay we're screwed, and I promise to make your life even worse out here until you leave the game. You ruin my experience, then I'll be sure to make yours even worse.Quote2- Luigino
Luigino is disgusting. He thinks he will have the satisfaction of making my life hard? Well he's got a few surprises coming his way, he doesn't control anything out here, and his time will come one day. When it does I'll take great pleasure in knowing he didn't win squat.


At tribal council the group get immediately talking about the failure of the tribe, and the divisions within it, particularly highlighting the relationship between Luigino and Phoebe, and Phoebe's constant breakdowns at camp. Ingrid begins to slate Briallen, who she claims is the true outsider, and someone who will undoubtedly flip on the tribe come merge, meaning that "sadly" she has to go home. David is questioned on his performance in the challenge, to which he replies that he slightly stumbled, and that he doesn't feel it warrants any votes against him, although "Briallen feels differently". When asked what he means by this, David announces that Briallen has been targeting him, and that it sealed her fate in the game. Briallen snaps back at David, before drawing her attention to the tribe as a whole, saying how it is unfair that someone gets to stay in the game who doesn't even want to be here, before crying, once again pleading for her safety. Jeff becomes interested as to what Briallen means, questioning Phoebe's future in the game.

Quote1Who doesn't want to be here?Quote2- Jeff Probst
Quote1Phoebe, she's said multiple times to vote her out. She breaks down and cries and looks crazy in front of the tribe but they still want her around.Quote2- Briallen
Quote1Well what are you doing right now?Quote2- Ingrid
Quote1Phoebe, do you not want to be in the game?Quote2- Jeff Probst
Quote1Well... Uh... No (laughs)Quote2- Phoebe
Quote1(shakes her head) See! And this is what I have to go out over!Quote2- Briallen
Quote1So Phoebe, you want to get out of the game?Quote2- Jeff Probst
Quote1Yes. I've asked the tribe to vote me out several times, but... They don't always listen. I hate it here. I truthfully hate it, and if they vote me out tonight I'll be happy.Quote2- Phoebe

The discussion continues for several minutes, with Jeff admitting in all the tribal councils he's been to that he's never seen someone so desperate to get out the game, even willing to lay down their torch. Phoebe states that she doesn't feel as though she is quitting the game, but agrees that she wants to quit, much to the confusion of Briallen and Luigino, both of whom laugh and shake their heads at her answer.

Quote1Before any decision is made, before we go to a vote... I feel that its only right to ask Phoebe what she wants. Are you quitting the game?Quote2- Jeff Probst
Quote1... Yes.Quote2- Phoebe
Quote1Alright. If you'd like to bring me your torch.Quote2- Jeff Probst
Quote1Bye guys... I'm sorry.Quote2- Phoebe
Quote1Phoebe, per your wishes. (snuffs torch) Go home.Quote2- Jeff Probst

Phoebe exits the tribal council area, with Jeff laying her torch down on the floor. David, Adela and Ingrid all seem shocked at the decision, somewhat annoyed at Phoebe for officially quitting the game.

Quote1Well, that was a first. Phoebe checked out of the game some days ago, and has finally made it official. There will be no need to go to a vote here, instead you will head back to camp as the five you are now. You need to pull it together if you want a shot at merging with equal numbers, because if you don't you will all struggle to go deep in this game. Grab your torches and head back to camp, goodnight.Quote2- Jeff Probst
Quote1Goodnight... (smiles and heads back to camp)Quote2- Briallen

The final five Samburu members head back to camp, all trying to wrap their heads around the events at tribal council, concerned as to what it means for the future of the tribe, and the future of their own individual games.

Tribal Council

Tribal Council 4:
No Vote
Phoebe Africa Eliminated

Final Words

Because of her premature exit from the game, Phoebe never produced final words. If there were, however, it is unlikely that they would be shown.

Still In The Running

Abbas Africa
Don Africa
Kris Africa
Marsha Africa
Mary Africa
Neville Africa Eliminated
Phillis Africa
Soledad Africa
Adela Africa
Briallen Africa
David Africa
Ingrid Africa
Luigino Africa
Phoebe Africa Eliminated
Renato Africa Eliminated
Roland Africa Eliminated