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"The Wealth Factor"
Africa Ep 3
Season Survivor: Africa
Episode Number 3/13 (029)
First Broadcast March 7, 2015
Episode Chronology
Previous Misfits Alert
Next Throwing In The Towel

The Wealth Factor is the third episode of Survivor: Africa.


Day 6 (Night)

The Samburu tribe return to camp having just voted out their original leader; Renato. Briallen sits and listens to her tribe members talking, knowing that she is truly alone in the game.

Quote1I just want to say thanks for keeping me guys... It uh, means a lot.Quote2- Briallen
Quote1No problem! (she hugs her)Quote2- Ingrid
Quote1You weren't really on the block anyway... I mean... Renato he uh... He had to go.Quote2- David
Quote1I just got worried because y'know... the challenge yesterday...Quote2- Briallen
Quote1All in the past now.Quote2- David
It was awkward when Briallen began thanking us for keeping her... Everyone was like "Oh its fine you're welcome"... But I'm just stood there thinking we should silence her and say "You're the next to go"... Its the truth! Its just wrong to have her thank us only to have the inevitability lingering that she will be the next Samburu member to leave.


Quote1Alright well... I'm going to sleep.Quote2- Phoebe
Quote1You feeling ok?Quote2- David
Quote1Yeah... was hoping that it was me tonight but... Whatever (laughs)Quote2- Phoebe
Quote1Night Phebes...Quote2- Adela
Tonight we sent Renato home, which wasn't what I wanted to do. I was up for voting out Ingrid... But that never came into anything... Instead David decided to stick with the original group, meaning I had to do the same. I'm not going to stick my head out for the sake of a sick man...


The group begin to head to sleep, with Briallen offering to stay up a little later in order to stoke the fire.

I really am alone after tonight, there's no question about it. I know if we lose another challenge I'll be the one going home... It doesn't matter how I perform. That doesn't mean I'll stop fighting, I'll go down punching if I have to... We've got Phoebe on this tribe who doesn't want to be here... Ingrid who annoys most of the guys... There's two cracks... And I'll utilize them as much as I have to.


Day 7


The tribe are all up working around camp, with only Neville still lying down. Neville arises and decides to call a group meeting, much to the annoyance of Phillis and Soledad, who have taken a strong disliking to him.

As soon as I heard Neville shout the words "group meeting" I worried. I knew it was about to go sour from there.


Quote1I just got a few things to say about the uh, noise early in the mornings.Quote2- Neville
Quote1Ok...Quote2- Phillis
Quote1When people are trying to sleep, I'd appreciate it if you were quiet until everyone has gotten up... Just to show some respect.Quote2- Neville
Quote1Ok stop there Neville...Quote2- Soledad
Quote1Are you serious?!Quote2- Phillis
Quote1I'm serious.Quote2- Neville
Quote1So you want to tell us to be quiet, until you have gotten the hell out of bed... When you should have been up ages ago... That's what you're saying!?Quote2- Phillis
Quote1Dont tell me when I should get up.Quote2- Neville
Quote1Then don't tell me to be quiet!Quote2- Phillis
Neville is a mess. He wants everyone to live in his own world with his own schedules, does he not realize that we ALL have our own way of working!? Its basic social awareness to fit into the way of living that the majority value!


Phillis and Soledad are both getting far too big headed in this game. They both want to run the tribe and think everyone should fit around them. I suppose when you haven't tasted success the same way I have you want to feel it somehow, and the middle of the African desert is the only place either of them would hold power.


The argument between the three continues, with Mary and Don attempting to break it up, only to be shouted at by Phillis, who tells Mary to stop being so "emotional", and to let Neville "get what he deserves". Mary responds by walking away, clearly feeling emotional after spending days without home comforts. Marsha follows her friend, hugging her when out of site. She tells Mary to forget it and move on, and that everyone on the tribe is beginning to fall apart due to the hunger taking its toll.

Quote1Just ignore her, we'll move on from this... Everyone is gettin' snappy, so don't feel that you're being picked on because we all love you. You're the only one keeping me sane out here, if you go then I go into full crazy mode (laughs)Quote2- Marsha
Quote1I'm just tired of being told that my attempt at being nice to Neville is fake or that it'll go against me. I'm not stepping on my morals for this game!Quote2- Mary
Quote1And no one in their right mind would want you to. Phillis wants to play this game by making enemies, just like Neville does... That's fine, we'll see how far it gets them both.Quote2- Marsha

Back at camp, Don decides to respond differently to Mary, himself becoming annoyed at Phillis and her attitude.

Quote1First of all don't raise your voice at me, ok? You're not doing yourself any favours.Quote2- Don
Quote1I don't care abo-...Quote2- Phillis
Quote1Dont interrupt me. You've done enough shouting and its time you listened to someone else. I agree with what you're saying, and I came over here to defuse the situation because you are handling it badly. Don't shout your points at him, or me, because you're quickly losing any credibility you may have originally had. Neville, get up earlier in future please, or lie in and accept people are talking.Quote2- Don
Quote1Fine... See that's how you say it.Quote2- Neville
Quote1(turning to Phillis) And dont you scream at people, berating them for trying to keep peace in this camp. We're rational people, so lets start acting like it!Quote2- Don
I think when Don stepped in my heart started beating out of control. I felt like I was watching the show and this amazing older guy was putting the loudmouth in her place... Then I remembered 'Oh crap, I'm here too!' My hats off to Don right now, he lost his cool but managed to stay in awesome grandpa mode... (laughs)


Don is disgusting. He talks down to women just like Neville, but he gets away with it because what? He's like a naked mole rat covered in wrinkles and people feel sorry for him? I honestly think this tribe needs to go to tribal soon because I don't want the outcasts to team up... What was I thinking with the six person alliance, Marsha and Mary aren't with us... They'd both jump ship the second they got the chance.


Don walks off to check on Mary, with Soledad following him. Kris, Neville and Abbas work quietly at camp, with Phillis awkwardly standing around.

Quote1Just want to check how you're doing sweetie.Quote2- Don
Quote1I'm good. Sorry for crying (she laughs)... I just think its getting to me now.Quote2- Mary
Quote1Don't let it. I'm behind you, Marsha is behind you... Soledad is behind you I hope.Quote2- Don
Quote1Of course. I just want to say sorry if you thought I was involved in that. I mean yes I cant bare Neville for much longer, but I don't condone the way Phillis is speaking to people at all.Quote2- Soledad
Quote1Well as long as we can stick together through this, then we shouldn't worry.Quote2- Marsha
Its comforting to have people like Don and Marsha on this tribe, just purely good hearted people. It does overshadow the bad eggs in my opinion, I try to look at this game as optimistically as I can. Hopefully this can be the season where the unkind people go before the merge.


When I was in the courtroom I'd never lose my temper, its not something I particularly enjoy and its unprofessional. Today was one of those rare moments where I did step over the line, and I do feel bad for how I spoke down to Phillis. But everyone seems to be saying they felt what I did was necessary, and therefore I cant regret what I did... I just have to hope it doesn't occur again.



Briallen and Ingrid head off together early in the morning in order to collect the tribes water, leaving Luigino and David to prepare breakfast. Adela sits with Phoebe, who is still contemplating her position in the game, repeatedly suggesting that the tribe vote her out next time they lose, as she is unable to keep herself active for the remainder of the game. Luigino and David overhear Phoebe, to which Luigino responds to by shaking his head, clearly disliking Phoebe's lack of interest in the game.

It annoys me that someone who uh, takes a spot out here in the game, is so willing to throw it all away. She's being selfish, because not only does she effect her own game, but she's directly going to effect all of ours. If we keep her then we've got her moaning self around at a merge, and if we vote her out we keep Bri... Bri... uh Briallen here, who will flip at any given opportunity.


Being a close friend of Phoebe's I do sympathize with her position, but I think she needs to realize that this isn't a case of giving up, and that she needs to fight for all our sakes. I'd be disappointed if come next tribal we are forced to vote her out, because I know neither myself nor David want it to come to that.


Whilst out collecting the water, Briallen attempts to talk strategy with Ingrid, suggesting that they consider voting out Phoebe as soon as possible due to her declining health. Ingrid responds coldly to Briallen's suggestions, saying that they'll talk about strategy at necessary times. Briallen takes this as a sign that the five are much tighter then she realized, and that she truly may be the next one to go.

I'm extremely worried after my chat with Ingrid. She pretty much gave a strong indication that I'm totally screwed here, and with four more tribals before the merge I don't see myself lasting through all of them. Perhaps I'll take the same lifeless approach that Phoebe has taken now that I know I'm out of this game... (shakes her head and sighs)


Briallen knows she's in trouble, but cant seem to accept it. I don't understand why she feels I'll turn to her side considering she tried to get me out last night!


Back at camp, Luigino begins plating up the tribes breakfast, only putting out five portions. David seems to notice the missing portion, and quietly questions Luigino as to what he is doing. Luigino doesn't answer, and instead decides to continue serving despite David's hesitations. Whilst serving, Briallen and Ingrid return to camp with the collected drinking water.

Quote1Welcome back.Quote2- David
Quote1Thank you... (she hands over the water)Quote2- Briallen
Quote1Adela, come get some food.Quote2- Luigino
When Luigino called Adela over to breakfast after putting out five portions, I quickly realized that he was excluding Phoebe from meal times, which undoubtedly was about to lead our tribe into another spat... Well another spat revolved around Luigino's behavior.


The five members supplied with breakfast begin eating, with Phoebe slowly walking over, looking around for her own portion. She begins to question as to where her breakfast is.

Quote1Where's mine guys? ... Luigino? Where is it?Quote2- Phoebe
Quote1Oh, you're not getting any today.Quote2- Luigino
Quote1... Why not...?Quote2- Phoebe
Quote1Firstly you turn down the water, you do nothing around camp... You've given up in this game and I'm not cooking you ANYTHING now... You don't want to take part, then you don't take part in anything, including meal times.Quote2- Luigino
Quote1Luigino c'mon man... Have mine Phebes...Quote2- David
Quote1No! No! Don't give her your portion. You need all the energy you can get out here! She doesn't need s**t for lying down under our shelter all day!Quote2- Luigino
Luigino just snapped today. I don't know what the hell happened but it was scary. We cant be losing another person on this tribe to... whatever the hell is cursing us.


Quote1You know what then I'll just quit now should I!?Quote2- Phoebe
Quote1Yes! God yes! Do us all the favour!Quote2- Luigino
Quote1F**k you a**hole! (she begins to cry)Quote2- Phoebe

Luigino throws down his breakfast, storming off towards the shade, cursing in both English and Italian. David insists that the tribe leaves him alone, and that he'll calm down in no time.

That awful, lazy, self centred... (he lets out a large scream)


He's horrible. Just so damn horrible. Why he's still here I don't know. No one likes him, he's rude, aggressive and just screams in everyone's faces!


Briallen, David and Adela clean up breakfast, picking up the food Luigino had thrown on the floor. David thanks the girls for their help, blaming the tribes breakdown on the lack of success they've had since arriving in Africa. Briallen agrees, feeling as though the tribes fortunes may turn if they are able to win the next reward challenge.

The shouting and over the top behavior is music to my ears. I need to find cracks, and after the two obvious ones there's now a third with Luigino. I feel as though Luigino is respected by the tribe as a whole, in that he does work hard... But I definitely could see Ingrid and Phoebe wanting to vote him out... Its just a case of who offers me more hope in this game, because I refuse to believe that my elimination is set in stone.


Day 8

Challenge: Rock n' Roll
Tribes race to roll an eight-foot boulder through a natural obstacle course. Tribe members must work together to navigate the boulder through obstacles across an already difficult terrain. The first tribe to roll their boulder into the winner's circle wins.
Reward: A water tank filled with 100 gallons worth of potable water (to be received the next morning) and organic shampoo.
Winner: Boran

Reward Challenge: Rock n' Roll
Result Tribe Competitors Sit Outs
Won Boran Abbas AfricaKris AfricaMarsha AfricaNeville AfricaPhillis AfricaSoledad Africa
Abbas, Kris, Marsha, Neville, Phillis, Soledad
Don AfricaMary Africa
Don, Mary
Lost Samburu Adela AfricaBriallen AfricaDavid AfricaIngrid AfricaLuigino AfricaPhoebe Africa
Adela, Briallen, David, Ingrid, Luigino, Phoebe


The tribe return to camp having just won the reward challenge, all excited to receive one hundred gallons of clean water. As soon as the group receive the water they all decide to discuss what its use should be.

Quote1Does anyone here want to use it to shower?Quote2- Soledad
Quote1Absolutely not.Quote2- Kris
Quote1No...Quote2- Abbas
Quote1Its got to just be for drinking. At the end of the day we wont collapse if we stay dirty, but we will collapse if we dont drink.Quote2- Don
Quote1So that's settled then? No one wants it to shower? Ok then. Good job guys.Quote2- Soledad
Finally a tribe decision that we all agree on. I was half expecting someone to demand that we use it to shower but thankfully we're all seeing the big picture here.


The tribe all take a cup of the fresh water, with Marsha making a jovial toast to the tribes future, before everyone takes a drink.

Quote1Be careful guys, you know what they say.Quote2- Mary
Quote1Say about what?Quote2- Kris
Quote1That its bad luck to toast with water (laughs)Quote2- Mary
Quote1Oh no! We're bound to lose now! (laughs)Quote2- Soledad
No! Mary why did you tell me that! She knows how superstitious I am (laughs)


The tribe receives tree mail informing them that they will be facing their next immunity challenge the following morning, and that they will have until then to prepare for it. The mail reads that a plane will fly over the camps and that which ever tribe gives a better distress signal will win immunity, avoiding tribal council. Soledad decides that the group should continue to discuss how to go forward from here, working out what they will do to beat Samburu once again. The group however revert to their old ways, unable to agree on what to do. Overwhelmed with the stress of controlling everyone, Soledad suggests that everyone does their own thing, much to the surprise of her team mates.

Are you kidding me!? This is why she cant manage! Thank you Soledad for providing the worst demonstration of leadership ever seen on this show.


I didn't know what else to do. I honestly panicked and I made the call. It might bite us in the butt... But when you're faced with seven other people all with their own ideas it becomes difficult to manage them.


Quote1So what do you want to do?Quote2- Abbas
Quote1I say we use the colour of our clothing maybe? Run around a bit, wave our arms... Its how I caught my fiancée (laughs)Quote2- Marsha
Quote1That's not a bad idea. I mean I think it could work. Maybe use fire too?Quote2- Abbas
Quote1Sounds great to me. Lets get doing it then.Quote2- Mary
Myself, Abbas and Marsha came to a decision that using our clothing and movement would be a good way to get attention. We managed to convince Phillis and Neville to help us which was good. I'm not sure why Kris and Soledad didn't but... Oh well. I have faith we can keep our winning streak going.


The tribe all begin working together, with the exception of Kris and somewhat Soledad, with Kris working on his own idea as to how they can gain the attention of the plane, and Soledad wanting to remove herself from the group after failing to exercise her leadership well.

I definitely felt the group wanting me out the way during this challenge, which was disconcerting. Especially considering I've tried my best to help this group since day one. I'll give them their space though... Hopefully this isn't going to stick in their minds for long.


It sucks that no one on the tribe liked my idea, but I'm happy Soledad gave me the freedom to do it anyway. I decided that we as a tribe should all have this red soil by our camp on us, like as paint... That way we can stand out whilst running around. It seems like the perfect way to succeed here!


The group continue to work in a messy fashion, with the tribe feeling as though success for once may not be guaranteed for them.


Having lost the reward challenge, the Samburu tribe appears to be further deflated, with all members lying around camp doing very little. Phoebe has stopped being sick, but continues to do very little to help herself, only drinking small amounts of water, which she still views to be too unclean to drink.

I continue to lay out here dying. There's nothing comforting about this place, and I don't understand why everyone wants to stay so bad... It's just horrible here (she begins to cry)


It would have been nice to win todays reward. I mean who wouldn't want the hundred gallons of water when all you've got is some cesspit liquid to shove down your throat. But I'm going to keep my head up. I wanted to come out here, and I still want to be out here. Luigino, Adela, Ingrid and I guess Briallen all feel the same. Phoebe is the only one who has truly given up... But I think once we win immunity and don't look like total failures then there will be some change of heart in her.


The tribe decide to spend the day doing very little, all clearly lacking any will to work. David and Adela go off together in order to talk, leaving the other members behind. Briallen watches the two leaving, knowing that strategy will likely come up in their conversation.

The fact that David and Adela needed to take a walk was good for me. It means they're talking about stuff they don't want others to hear. Due to the fact I'm definitely at the bottom it wouldn't be bad to discuss that near me, so by the process of elimination they must have been talking about Luigino, Ingrid and Phoebe... Hopefully they are seeing that those three aren't assets to the group.


Quote1What the hell has happened to this group?Quote2- Adela
Quote1I don't know (sighs). I'm definitely getting worried about who we've aligned ourselves with.Quote2- David
Quote1It's not too late to change things. I mean I personally wouldn't have Briallen in an alliance because we cant fully trust her, but she's definitely going to try harder then... sorry to say it... Phoebe.Quote2- Adela
Quote1Exactly, but I just don't think Phoebe will give up fully. She's not that selfish.Quote2- David
Quote1I hope you're right.Quote2- Adela
David is definitely a great partner to have in the game. He's so level headed and chilled so it makes him the perfect ally in this game. I definitely feel a sense of security with him around, which is needed when I'm on a tribe with four other people who are all displaying faults upon faults.


The tribe receives tree mail informing them that their next immunity challenge will take place the following morning, but that the tribe should prepare for it now. Both tribes must create a distress signal for a plane flying overhead, the tribe with the better signal wins immunity, and avoids tribal council. David immediately steps in as tribe leader, presenting his ideas, whilst letting each member give theirs. The tribe respond well to David's leadership skills, with him even encouraging Phoebe to take part.

I don't mind being a leader for the group. We certainly needed one after losing Renato to illness, and I don't think it'll put a target on my back. Not yet at least.


David, thank God for him. Steps up and gives the group the kick up the ass it needed. Its a shame that Luigino continued to throw his hissy fit by barely getting involved, sitting off on his own doing nothing to help.


Phoebe gives the suggestion that the tribe makes use of their bright clothing, and potentially try to move around obviously as possible whilst the plane flies overhead. Briallen suggests the group make a large sheet by tying clothes together, waving it around as the plane goes past. David, Adela, Briallen, Ingrid and Phoebe get to work on the sheet, whilst Luigino spends much of his day sitting in the shade.

I'm continuing to go on protest against the tribe. I want to show them that they cant appease Phoebe for her laziness, and that losing someone who is vital to the tribe such as myself will cost them... Hopefully this gets the message across, because if it doesn't then I'm screwed (laughs)


After finishing their sheet, the tribe pack away their things for the night, prepared for the following immunity challenge, hoping to finally avoid tribal council.

Day 9

The plane flies over both camps, with all the contestants trying their best to catch its attention. Boran all decide to wear the mud on their skin (an idea put out by Kris), which causes them to blend into the landscape, making it difficult for the plane to stop them.

We tried our best to get the planes attention, and all we can do is hope that we continue to outshine our competition. If not then there's always a few bad seeds that need removing from our camp.


I don't think I've ever moved around so much to get the attention of something, not even a boy I liked (laughs). I know that whoever is in that plane controls my fate, if they pick us then I owe them everything.


Immunity Challenge: Distress Signal
Result Tribe Competitors
Won Samburu Adela AfricaBriallen AfricaDavid AfricaIngrid AfricaLuigino AfricaPhoebe Africa
Adela, Briallen, David, Ingrid, Luigino, Phoebe
Lost Boran Abbas AfricaDon AfricaKris AfricaMarsha AfricaMary AfricaNeville AfricaPhillis AfricaSoledad Africa
Abbas, Don, Kris, Marsha, Mary, Neville, Phillis, Soledad


Boran see the plane fly off into the distance, letting them know that they have failed the challenge, and that for the first time they will be heading to tribal council. Neville immediately begins raging, blaming both Kris and Soledad for the loss, particularly attacking Soledad's leadership. Soledad doesn't rise to this, and instead remains quiet, somewhat feeling guilty about the loss.

I definitely feel as though this is partially my fault. I think trying to be democratic out here wont always work, and that maybe you have to rule with an iron fist. Especially when those in the democratic society are absolute idiots.


The tribe all split up around camp, knowing that they will need to start targeting someone to be the first one eliminated from the group. Don walks over to Soledad, who is sat with Kris and Phillis.

Quote1What are we thinking then?Quote2- Don
Quote1Well we haven't had the opportunity to even talk yet...Quote2- Phillis
Quote1Well here's your opportunity.Quote2- Don
Quote1Neville.Quote2- Soledad
Quote1I agree. I dont think we even need to talk about this one.Quote2- Kris
I find it convenient how Soledad and Kris are both quick to throw out Neville as the vote. As much as I agree, it has to be said that Kris and Soledad both cost us the win today, and maybe one of them has to pay for this...


Neville goes over to Abbas, who is sat on his own. He begins talking to Abbas about the possibility of voting out Soledad, who has continued to fail at leadership since the beginning. Abbas admits that he feels she is to blame for the loss, and has noticed smaller groups forming in the tribe, all of which exclude himself. Neville claims that this is only the beginning, and that unless they make the move tonight they will both end up going home before the merge.

Neville rubs everyone here the wrong way. But it is a fact that Soledad and Kris screwed up today, and that everyone here has their own little alliances. I don't really have anyone in terms of a duo member, where as the other six in my so called alliance do. If I feel the only way to ensure my safety until the merge is to side with someone like Neville, then I'll do it. I'm not going to sit around in this game hoping for the best. You've got to really put your foot down and know when its time to take over.


Neville goes off to find both Marsha and Mary, who are themselves discussing the vote. Neville tells them that they too are on the outside, and that once he is gone they will likely be next as they're "easy targets". Mary and Marsha continue listening to Neville, before asking who he recommends they vote out, to which he suggests Soledad, giving them the same reasons he gave to Abbas. Neville requests that the girls talk to others about the vote, as they need a fifth member in order to take control of the tribe, and that the next member would likely need to be Kris.

I feel bad for Neville because he really seems to be a misunderstood character. He gets labeled lazy, but he actually does work... He's not as bad in challenges as some others are... But its just crazy to stay with him in the game. Then again, crazier things have happened in Survivor. Who knows, maybe tonight we'll give someone a shock (laughs)


I've spoken around and given solid reasons as to why Soledad needs to go home. She truly has run this tribe into the dirt, and it will continue to fail for as long as they remain spineless keeping her in power. I know I'll get votes tonight, I just don't know how many.


The group continue to scramble, with the alliance of six all being told to vote for Neville, whilst those deemed the outsiders in the alliance (Mary, Marsha and Abbas) have all been told to vote Soledad, as suggested by Neville. Mary and Marsha decide to talk to Abbas about the vote, all agreeing that they are somewhat outsiders in the tribe. The girls assure Abbas that he would be fine, as he is the strongest member of the tribe so wouldn't be at risk until they themselves have been voted out. Abbas then tells the girls that they can talk to Kris if they want to, but making a move could backfire badly on them all as they're not guaranteed to hold a majority.

Myself, Marsha and Mary have spoken about Neville's so called plan. It doesn't seem to make much sense at this point, but I would hate to see Jeff snuffing my torch, feeling as though this moment is to blame for it because I failed to make the right move at the right time. I suppose that's what this whole game is about, making the right move at the right time, because if you do it too early or too late you truly screw yourself.


At tribal council the group talk about the distribution of work, which they all feel is generally working well at camp, with everyone pulling their weight to some degree. Abbas and Don are both particularly praised for their hard work, with Marsha stating that losing either would seriously harm the tribe. Soledad, Kris, Neville and Phillis are all called out by one another, with Kris being berated for his decisions in the challenge, Phillis and Neville for their attitudes, and Soledad for her recent failures as a leader. Don however comes to Soledad's defense, claiming that she has been a good leader, but like everyone is bound to make poor decisions. Neville decides to speak up for himself, claiming that no one else will do that for him. Neville admits that he doesn't need the money, foolishly listing the items he has bought through his wealth, much to the annoyance of his tribe. Neville tries to defend this by saying that he doesn't care about the money, but cares about the game. Phillis states that Neville has given another reason as to why he should go home, as someone who already has money doesn't even need to be in the game. After the votes have been cast, it is revealed that the tribe have unanimously decided to remove Neville from the game in a 7-1 vote, with Neville casting the only vote against Soledad. Neville mutters as he hands his torch over to Jeff, telling the group that they've made a poor decision. Boran return to camp, all feeling relieved at losing Neville, who proved to be more of a hindrance then an asset.

Tribal Council

Tribal Council 3:
Neville Africa
Neville (7 votes)
Abbas AfricaDon AfricaKris AfricaMarsha Africa
Mary AfricaPhillis AfricaSoledad Africa
Abbas, Don, Kris, Marsha, Mary, Phillis & Soledad
Soledad Africa
Soledad (1 vote)
Neville Africa
Neville Africa Eliminated

Voting Confessionals

You're not a bad guy at all, but I just feel that this is the best move for myself and the tribe. You raised some good points, and I'll take them on board.


You've had it out for Soledad since day one. You're the laziest person on the tribe, and lots of our troubles are centered around you.


The alliance has spoken...


Sorry about this Nev. I wish you luck, but as you said... You don't need the money. Think of me next time you're lying by your poor drinking vintage wine.


I think you going will strengthen the tribe, it also indirectly stops Phillis from shouting at me because I wont be sympathizing for you around camp anymore. I'm sorry this has to happen.


Awful leader, awful person, awful at everything. Maybe you'll do something right and leave tonight.


You're a rude chauvinist a**hole. I am so thankful that Kris screwed it for us today because it means we can send you home.


Tried to give me and everyone else here a hard time. I think you've got a lot to learn, and its a shame that at your age you still hold the mentality that you're above people. I respect the fact that you've done well for yourself and have a life of luxury... But maybe gain some awareness and keep that to yourself when playing a game for a million dollars.


Final Words

I'm not shocked to be sitting here. I suppose I'm surprised that every single one of them voted for me, because I thought the other outcasts were smarter then that. I don't wish them luck or failure, I honestly couldn't care what happens to any of them from here. All I care about is what I do from now, and I can tell you that it's going to be brilliant.


Still In The Running

Abbas Africa
Don Africa
Kris Africa
Marsha Africa
Mary Africa
Neville Africa Eliminated
Phillis Africa
Soledad Africa
Adela Africa
Briallen Africa
David Africa
Ingrid Africa
Luigino Africa
Phoebe Africa
Renato Africa Eliminated
Roland Africa Eliminated