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"The Good Will Prevail"
Marquesas Ep 2
Season Survivor: Marquesas
Episode Number 2/13 (041)
First Broadcast April 12, 2015
Episode Chronology
Previous Back To The Beach
Next I'm Not The Almighty

The Good Will Prevail is the second episode of Survivor: Marquesas.


Day 3 (Night)

The Rotu tribe return to camp having just attended their first tribal council, where they opted to vote their youngest member Yuzuki from the game, feeling as though she wasn't cut out for the tasks that lay before them in the Marquesas. Alistair appears particularly pleased with the tribes decision to vote in his favor, having taken a particularly strong disliking to Yuzuki. The tribe scatter around the camp fire, with William and James trying to keep it alight.

Our first tribal couldn't have gone better. The tribe came together and followed my plan to vote out Yuzuki, who really was the most irritating of kids. I know that William and Martin have my back, and without them I wouldn't have been able to convince the others to so willingly follow us. These young kids are stupid, they don't realize us guys are going to be running the show and that we'll send them home one by one.


Quote1I cant deal with any more tears at tribal... It hurt seeing her break down like that.Quote2- William
Quote1What do you expect, no one wants to be the first gone.Quote2- James
Quote1She's overly emotional... don't even worry about it.Quote2- Alistair
Quote1I just hope we made the right decision. You know we had a lot of options and lets hope it works out for the Rotu tribe.Quote2- Martin
Tonight the group decided to keep me in the game despite my illness, and I'm really grateful for that. I definitely feel as though Tish, Ursula and maybe James have my back. We seem to hang out a lot more because of similar interest, and during that they got to see my character and hopefully realize I'm a trustworthy individual. Yuzuki was a little hard to read, and she annoyed the 'macho' guys alliance of William, Alistair and Martin... So they picked her to leave first... If we do lose again and I haven't made a full recovery I know my neck'll be on the line.


Quote1(whispering to Ursula and Duana) We cant let any more girls go...Quote2- Tish
Quote1Absolutely not.Quote2- Ursula
Quote1One of them next?Quote2- Duana
Quote1Mmmhm.Quote2- Tish
If I had it my way tonight Yuzuki probably wouldn't have gone home. I felt bad for her, she was isolated by the boys and they ridiculed her for almost everything she did. Granted she wasn't the toughest one out here, but by no means was she the weakest. I am worried that the guys will somehow form a group against the girls, especially considering both Duana and Ursula were on the block last night. Hopefully we can get something going to ensure that one of the boys leaves at the next tribal council.


Day 4


In the early hours of day four, Ashley, Daisy, Lotus and Troy head off on a walk together, having all struggled to get back to sleep. The four laugh and make jokes with one another, bonding due to the fact they're all of similar ages, and that they come from similar backgrounds. Troy decides it would be a good opportunity to talk game with the girls, knowing that the sooner he creates an alliance, the stronger it'll be going forward in the game.

Quote1I don't know how you girls cope only having one hot guy around camp.Quote2- Troy
Quote1(laughs) Oh you're so modest.Quote2- Daisy
Quote1No I'm serious. I mean I love having you three, gives me a ton to look at. You guys have... Randy... Ryan... Ib... (laughs)Quote2- Troy
Quote1Ibrahim isn't bad...Quote2- Lotus
Quote1But compared to this...? (gestures to his body)Quote2- Troy
Troy is so full of s**t. I like him though. He's cute in a goofy way. I think he assumes because he's a good looking guy that us girls will just follow him blindly. We'll happily work alongside him, but we wont be his sheep.


Quote1Meh... Ibrahim definitely takes the body prize out here.Quote2- Lotus
Quote1You're so hard to please Lotus. (laughs)Quote2- Troy
Quote1Work harder on it and maybe I'll come around.Quote2- Lotus
Quote1I am glad to have you guys though. I mean if you weren't here I'd be quitting... Randy, Hillary, Ibrahim and Ryan are just so...Quote2- Troy
Quote1Different?Quote2- Ashley
Quote1Yeah. I have nothing to say to any of them.Quote2- Troy
Quote1Same here. They're just so boring... or weird.Quote2- Daisy
Myself, Daisy, Lotus and Troy get along really well. We just don't fit in with the others on the tribe. Actually they don't fit in with US... we definitely hold the power over here. There's four of us and... uh... Oh wait there's four of them too... (laughs and blushes)


Quote1Well as long as we make sure one of them goes first.Quote2- Troy
Quote1There's no way Randy doesn't go first. No one here can stand him.Quote2- Daisy
Quote1Hillary and Ibrahim both don't like him. They said so after the challenge yesterday.Quote2- Ashley
Quote1Well its settled then. We vote Randy first and make sure we keep safe.Quote2- Lotus
Quote1Hot people alliance! Woooh! (laughs)Quote2- Ashley
So we've got the 'hot people alliance', which fits us so well. The girls seem willing to listen to me, and I've purposely made sure no other guys get in our group because I don't want to be dealing with other alpha-egos. Personally I think Randy will be going first from our tribe, but I would like to see Ibrahim go. From what Lotus said Ibrahim beats me in certain areas, and he's big competition for when we reach the merge. I think it would be beneficial to my game if he left early. Sorry Ibro-him. But your days are numbered.


I somewhat regret going for this walk because I'm now in an alliance with the mean girls and the deranged douche. These are the kind of people who ridiculed me in high-school, and made me the offbeat I am today. I love who I am, and I didn't appreciate those kind of people bullying others for being different. It feels weird that I'm now aligning with the very people I cant stand back home. I suppose it means I can get a leg up on them, and that in the end I'll beat one of them in the vote. They'll look down on me and underestimate me, and the rest of us will see them for who they really are.


Ibrahim and Hillary go off together in order to look for some form of nutrition, with the tribe struggling to function with the low amount of rations they were given at the start of the game. The two venture into the jungle where Hillary identifies pig tracks, stating that if they catch a pig the tribe will be well fed for several days. Ibrahim looks somewhat uncomfortable with the prospect of relying on a pig for food, but decides not to voice his concerns to Hillary.

Being a Muslim I cant eat pork, because its haram. I know coming out here my... needs... wont be fulfilled... I'm not a Muslim who prays five times a day, doesn't drink et cetera. I try to be as good a Muslim as I can, but I know at the end of the day I'm a human living in the Western world. I do what I can to be faithful to Islam, but out here that's almost too much to ask of someone. Eating pork is something I can avoid, and therefore I'm going to do my best to find another source of protein for myself. I've seen small fish by the rocks at our camp, some snails too. I'm not going to be fussy and moan that the tribe is eating pork and I'm not, and that I need them to all get me fish... That's the kind of stuff that would understandably irritate people.


Myself and Ibrahim are two people who like to get work done. We don't waste time talking and deliberating. When it needs to be done he and I are the first ones up and ready to go. I really appreciate that in someone, and for that I hope he does stay around for a long time in this game. The rest of my tribe is fine, with the exception of Randy, who just does nothing to help any situation.


Hillary and Ibrahim fail to find the pig, breaking the news to their tribe mates. The group spend the rest of the day making sure their fire wood and water supplies are replenished, hoping to work out a solution to their food issue as soon as possible.


The tribe all lie around camp, with the lack of food taking its toll amongst the group. After several hours of rest, the group decide to get to work in order to make sure their fire stays alight, as without it they wont be able to boil their water. The tribe realize that they need to call a group meeting in order to distribute the daily chores, as no one has stepped up to take charge.

Quote1I feel if we work the same way we did at the start, we'll get a lot more done. Now I don't care if people don't have the energy to work because we need to do it.Quote2- Alistair
Quote1I agree. I like doing the simple stuff with the shelter. That's what I'm good at y'know.Quote2- Martin
Quote1Alright so Martin work on the shelter with... me, James and William. The rest of you girls can go and do the firewood, water and search for some food. Ok?Quote2- Alistair
Quote1... (sighs)Quote2- Tish
I cant stand him... Alistair. I really cant bare being around him and its day four, so I don't know how I'll cope if he's still here day twenty. He talks down to the girls on the tribe, and seems to be in the mindset that women do a majority of the work, and the men do the simple stuff. He expects us to cook, get food, keep the fire going... whilst he prods with a shelter that really doesn't need any work. I wish one of the other guys would stand up and say something but not one of them has the balls to do so.


Ursula, Tish and Duana walk along the rocks, collecting some of the snails that Yuzuki had pointed out to them. Ursula becomes emotional, feeling guilty about voting out Yuzuki, having hoped to find another way to keep her safe. Duana and Tish admit they too regret their votes, feeling as though they missed an opportunity to take out one of the men.

I think myself, Tish and Duana know we're at the bottom of this male dominated tribe. The other guys aren't all bad people, but when given the opportunity to be the dominant sex men automatically take it. They don't want women running the show, and therefore we have to be the first ones to go in their minds.


Quote1Why didn't we just get the guts to vote Alistair...?Quote2- Tish
Quote1Because none of the guys would do it.Quote2- Duana
Quote1I was just hoping it wasn't me... I mean I felt bad, and I thought y'all might be voting me out.Quote2- Duana
Quote1We gotta make sure one of them go next...Quote2- Tish
Quote1Yeah but the question is which one.Quote2- Duana
Quote1Well I like James and William... They're both really good guys. Martin just follows William around. I don't think its even a hard decision.Quote2- Tish
Quote1You cant bare Alistair either?Quote2- Ursula
Quote1No! He's just... like who the hell performs that badly but remains that cocky!?Quote2- Tish
Us girls are beginning to realize that the men are taking liberties in this game. We don't want them to be the ones controlling all the votes, because that means a guy will win this thing for the fourth straight time. I'm not a feminist or anything but hey... if I have to wave the gender flag to get a girl to the top I will. We all agree that Alistair is the most annoying of the guys, but at the end of the day I'm not going to risk my game just because I want a guy to go... There's no point in solidifying myself in the minority if I can work my way into the majority much easier.


Back at the shelter, the men work on the smaller task, discussing trivial subjects whilst 'working'. During this, Alistair points to Ursula down the beach, who he can see is looking emotional whilst collecting the snails. Alistair begins to make jokes about Ursula, labeling her a "beached whale", causing William to shake his head, clearly disappointed in Alistair's behavior.

I don't like people attacking one another for aspects of their physical appearance... It feels like the lowest way to insult someone and I don't believe it gets you anywhere in life. Alistair decided to publically shame Ursula for his own enjoyment, but all its done is further support my theory that he isn't the most loving of individuals here.


I don't like Ursula. I find her really annoying and everyone knows how badly I want her out of here. But I'm not going to call her fat... I mean... That's just... Like are we in high school here?


Quote1We're all on the same page right?Quote2- Alistair
Quote1What page is that?Quote2- William
Quote1That these girls just aint cut out for this.Quote2- Alistair
Quote1I gotta admit... they've all been pretty weak.Quote2- Martin
Quote1Ursula annoys us all... she aint strong in challenges... she does sod all round camp.Quote2- Alistair
Quote1Yep, I agree. I don't think Tish and Duana are bad though. I mean Tish busts her butt round camp... Duana hasn't been well but she's still trying.Quote2- James
Im trying to get a guys alliance together, because we are the stronger group on Rotu. Duana and Ursula both have proven they're not cut out for this game, and Tish just doesn't really fit in. I know Martin and James are listening to me... William is the difficult one. He has to be so neutral on all decisions he makes. Well a time will come where he has to get off that fence, and he best side with the majority.


Alistair said to us 'are we on the same page'... I honestly don't think he and I are even reading the same book (laughs). I try to get along with everyone here, and its a shame that Alistair is trying to cause trouble where it not need be caused.


The girls return to camp having collected snails, giving the tribe enough food to get through the day, although they all object to having to rely on snails to keep them fed, agreeing to go and find a better source of food in due course.

Day 5

Challenge: Float Your Boat
Tribes would dive down into the water to remove rocks from a small boat. When they have removed enough rocks, the boat would rise to the surface and float. Tribe members would then proceed to use buckets to get water out of the boat with buckets. Once the tribe decided the boat was sea-fare, they would row back to shore. The first tribe back would win.
Reward: Fishing Gear
Winner: Maraamu

Reward Challenge: Float Your Boat
Result Tribe Competitors Sit-Outs
Won Maraamu Ashley MarquesasHillary MarquesasIbrahim MarquesasLotus MarquesasRandy MarquesasRyan MarquesasTroy Marquesas
Ashley, Hillary, Ibrahim, Lotus, Randy, Ryan, Troy
Daisy Marquesas
Lost Rotu Alistair MarquesasDuana MarquesasJames MarquesasMartin MarquesasTish MarquesasUrsula MarquesasWilliam Marquesas
Alistair, Duana, James, Martin, Tish, Ursula, William


The tribe returns to camp having just won the reward challenge, earning themselves fishing gear, which should make locating food a much easier process for the group. Ibrahim, Troy and Randy head down to fish together, all hoping to be the one to bring back a meal for the tribe. Daisy and Ashley sit together to watch the boys attempt to fish, but are quickly told to get to work by Hillary, much to their annoyance. The girls try to tell Hillary that they wish to sit and rest, but she tells them they've "been doing that for days", and that unless they fix their shelters roof it'll collapse down on them during the night.

I know I can come off strong, but the two girls haven't been pulling their weight around camp. I cant be responsible for everything around here, and unless we all pitch in things wont get done. I know they're going to be mad at the older woman for telling them what to do but... hey... they signed up for this, and they'll pull their weight.


Hillary is annoying. She doesn't bother talking to anyone, getting to know facts about us. She's the kind of person who lives alone with fifty cats and eats discarded food from shopping malls. I think she's jealous of myself and Daisy, because we're obviously the better looking girls in the game. I cant help the fact that she wasn't born pretty. Maybe if she tried harder to look nice she wouldn't be so... frumpy.


Quote1What the hell is wrong with her?Quote2- Ashley
Quote1She's so... ugh!Quote2- Daisy
Quote1Why didn't she have a go at you?Quote2- Ashley
Quote1Because I didn't sit down as soon as we got back?Quote2- Lotus
Quote1After Randy goes, she needs to go next... I cant stand the way she talks down to us.Quote2- Daisy
Daisy and Ashley... (sighs) ... They don't actually do much around camp, then get mad when Hillary calls them out on it. I suppose one positive thing that did come from this was that now Hillary is one of their targets, meaning Ibrahim moves up another notch of the totem poll. I like Ibrahim, and I worry that the others will expect me to vote him out. He's my sleeping buddy, without him I'll freeze at night. He's just someone who I can talk to, not about the game, about real stuff like... Family... Sports... All the stuff that takes my mind off my rumbling stomach and bug bites. If I can I'll see how I can bring Ibrahim into our 'alliance'... I don't want to go to the final four with three people who I don't connect with, and to have Ibrahim around will really just keep me sane.


Ibrahim, Troy and Randy go by the rocks in order to fish, with Ibrahim going first. Troy sits with Randy by the rocks, hoping that Ibrahim fails to catch anything, wanting to make sure he is voted out as soon as possible, knowing that bringing back fish would mean Ibrahim's position in the tribe improves.

Quote1How do you feel about Ibrahim?Quote2- Troy
Quote1Hmmm... He's a quiet one. You know he's a uh... Muslim.Quote2- Randy
Quote1It figures. He prays a lot and told me the American government were the 'real terrorists'.Quote2- Troy
Quote1You're sh***ing me?Quote2- Randy
Quote1Nope. He said that. I was horrified and tried to explain to him that wasn't the case but he was having none of it.Quote2- Troy
Quote1Probably one of those Liberals?Quote2- Randy
Quote1Not even that. He said Liberals were 'too right of the spectrum' for him.Quote2- Troy
Quote1Oh dear God...Quote2- Randy
(laughing) Randy is such a dumbass its unreal. I decided to make a load of stuff up about Ibrahim, saying he was some sort of far-left Liberal, Capitalist hating Muslim. Randy ate it all up because those are the things he hates the most. I need Ibrahim out of here, and if I have to lie and turn people on him then I will. Randy doesn't like Ibrahim as it is, but this gives him the push he needs to start campaigning with me against him.


I am sick to my stomach right now. I find out that Ibrahim spoke badly about my American government, and criticizes anything that IS America. If he don't like it then he can go back to wherever it is he comes from. I cannot stand people who live off our society and slate it at the same time. He wouldn't last ten days in Arabia, and he wants to call us the terrorists?


Ibrahim comes out from the water smiling, handing over two fish to Randy, who snatches them, looking particularly annoyed at Ibrahim, much to his confusion.

I knew something was up when I came out of the water and saw the look of disgust on Randy's face, and that it was aimed at me. I didn't want to have any confrontation, so I thought leaving it would be the best thing.


Ibrahim goes back under the water, leaving Troy and Randy alone with the fish. Troy tells Randy that now Ibrahim has caught fish, its unlikely the others will want to vote him out. Randy tells Troy that they should tell the group Troy was the one who caught the fish, giving them reason to view Ibrahim as "the liar he is". Troy agrees, telling Randy to go and give the fish to Hillary. Randy agrees, standing and heading back to camp, with Troy going down under the water in order to appear as if he too has been searching for fish.

Randy came up with the crazy idea to claim that I had caught the fish as opposed to Ibrahim. I'm happy to comply to that (laughs). It makes me look better and prevents Ibrahim from getting any credit. Randy seems to want to play this game for me, which is fine because between the two of us he'll be the one receiving the burns. I'll make sure that when the guys do clash, I'll be out of the way.


Ibrahim comes out of the water, telling Troy he wasn't able to find any more. Troy and Ibrahim head back to camp, where Randy has already given the fish to Hillary, telling her that it was Troy who had caught them. Ibrahim walks directly over to the tribe, with Troy going off into the jungle, claiming that he needs to use the 'bathroom'. Ibrahim smiles to the group, who are already scaling the fish, with Daisy getting a fire going.

Quote1They ok? The fish?Quote2- Ibrahim
Quote1Yeah they look great.Quote2- Hillary
Quote1You didn't find any others?Quote2- Ryan
Quote1Nah I tried looking but that's all I could find.Quote2- Ibrahim
Quote1Someone tell Troy well done when he gets back.Quote2- Daisy
Quote1Yeah he did good.Quote2- Ashley
Quote1He probably hogged the spear the whole time. No wonder he was the only one to get anything...Quote2- Lotus
Hold up... what!?


Quote1Wait, what?Quote2- Ibrahim
Quote1Because he was the best at it we decided he should be the one to fish.Quote2- Randy
Quote1But Troy didn't catch that... (laughs nervously)Quote2- Ibrahim
Quote1What?Quote2- Hillary
Quote1(scoffs) Ibrahim, now's not the time.Quote2- Randy
Quote1No... hold up... Who says Troy caught this?Quote2- Ibrahim
Quote1R-Randy...Quote2- Daisy
Quote1You kiddin' me right?Quote2- Ibrahim
Quote1What the hell man. What are you doing? If you want to catch something there's the spear... go back out there and try.Quote2- Randy

Ibraim and Randy burst into an argument, with Ibrahim trying to tell the tribe that he was the one who caught the fish, unsure as to why Randy is claiming otherwise. The other members of the tribe sit around silently, not sure how to intervene, confused as to why two separate people are claiming responsibility for the fish. Randy accuses Ibrahim of getting aggressive to an "old man", with Ibrahim feeling as though Randy has "prejudice views", hence his attempt at taking away his credit. Troy slowly walks back into camp, noticing the group still arguing. Hillary turns to Troy, asking him who caught the fish, to which he passively replies "I did", causing Ibrahim to throw down the spear, walking off in temper. Troy asks the group why the argument occurred, trying to play dumb in the situation. Daisy and Ashley explain, with Lotus going after Ibrahim to make sure he's ok. Randy begins ranting about Ibrahim's dishonesty, to which Hillary tells him to "be quiet", not wanting any more commotion.

It was a bizarre thing to see three grown men arguing over fish. I mean you either caught it or you didn't. I suppose Troy did catch it, because two separate people were claiming it. Something about Ibrahim's anger did seem genuine though... I cant imagine him being the sort of person who would lie about it. I don't know. All I know is we got fish, and I'm grateful to whoever caught them.


Off in the jungle, Ibrahim stands by a tree, clearly holding back tears. Lotus arrives by his side, putting her arms around him, asking if he's ok. He doesn't respond, knowing that if he tries to he'll likely break down. Lotus tells him to calm himself, and that the argument is pointless, as people are grateful to him, regardless of him catching a fish or not. Ibrahim apologizes to her for his outburst, telling her that he truly did do the work, and that he is frustrated at Randy's treatment of him during the past four days. Lotus tells him not to even worry, as everyone knows Randy will be the first member of Maraamu to leave.

I do feel really bad for Ibrahim. I don't doubt that he caught the fish. I hope everyone else feels the same way because Troy and Randy are both too rehearsed in this whole situation. Its just stupid to even try and cause problems over the food, because nobody cares if you do or don't catch something, as long as you tried. I convinced Ibrahim to forget the situation, and that if he just plays it cool no one will view him as a liar. I just hope that we can enjoy this first good meal rather than to argue about who supplied it... it just spoils what could otherwise be a positive moment for the tribe.


I seem to be in trouble already in the game because other people want me out. Randy and Troy are both dishonest guys. I know in past seasons people like this usually do well, but there comes a time where karma catches up to them, and the good prevail. Believe me this time, the good will prevail.



The Rotu tribe return to camp having just lost the reward challenge, which would have given them the means to catch fish. Martin and James both seem particularly frustrated at the loss, with Alistair deciding to copy the two men, despite the fact he was partially to cause for the group losing.

Quote1We had a shot at getting fishing gear and we blew it. Now we gotta starve and scratch the s**t out of ourselves instead...Quote2- James
Quote1We tried our best... that's all we can do...Quote2- Ursula
Quote1When our best is that much below Maraamu's best... then its NOT ok...Quote2- James
Quote1Stupid damn challenge... I'm going to try and find that chicken. Don't come looking for me if I don't come back because I've probably kicked the bucket.Quote2- Martin
It is so frustrating to lose challenges by such a big margin. The other tribe is really kicking our butts right now, and unless we pull it together we're going to be even worse than Samburu last year. I mean they were saved thanks to the tribe swap, so that's all I can hope for right now. Ursula really showed that she was our weakest member today. I feel bad that I go off on someone for being terrible in challenges... but why the hell did she come out here? I mean she cant do anything right (sighs and shakes his head)


James and Martin wanted to display their masculinity today by getting all mad after the challenge. I admit that I wasn't the best in it... but Alistair, Duana and William struggled too. Alistair could barely lift the rocks for God's sake... and he's a man! He's like a skeletal creature that walks around with his piercing eyes glaring at you. I only hope that one of the men does decide to join with us girls because if they don't I'm probably the next one out of here.


James decides to go with Martin, leaving the others back at camp. William decides to try and find a positive out of the situation, hoping to bring the best out of his tribe mates.

Quote1If we learned one thing today... it is-Quote2- William
Quote1-That we suck? Badly?Quote2- Tish
Quote1No... no... the fact they gave fishing gear means there are fish around here, and we just need to find the means to get them. If we can get some good sticks, we could maybe find a way to get us a meal.Quote2- William
Quote1If it gets us away from the bugs then I'm in.Quote2- Duana

William and Duana leave to devise their own fishing rod, with the others not having the will to do so. Alistair sits by the shelter, with Ursula and Tish opposite him, feeling awkward at being left together alone. Tish decides to grill Alistair, wanting him to apologize for his treatment of the girls over the past few days.

Quote1Alistair, why do you have a problem with women?Quote2- Tish
Quote1(laughs) A problem with? No... No, no, no. Don't be silly. Why do you think I have a problem with you?Quote2- Alistair
Quote1Well... yes.Quote2- Tish
Quote1No... I don't have a problem with you Tish. You're just paranoid.Quote2- Alistair
Quote1What about me?Quote2- Ursula
Quote1Ursula... you don't work around camp, you don't do anything to help in challenges...Quote2- Alistair
Quote1That's a lie. Now that is a lie. We all pull our weight around here Alistair.Quote2- Tish
Quote1As I said Tish, I feel you do. Ursula doesn't, and all us guys see it.Quote2- Alistair
I don't care about telling someone to their face that they suck. Ursula is the next one to leave this camp and she should know it. Based on how long it takes her to get a job done I should let her know now, because then by tomorrow she'll have her bag ready for tribal.


Alistair had the nerve to flat out tell me I'm paranoid, and that Ursula is effectively useless. He has zero social skills, and I'll use anything he says to get him out of here. The trick with Alistair is to keep him talking long enough that he digs his own grave.


Over by the rocks, William and Duana have created a fishing rod using a piece of string from their tribe flag, and using a piece of jagged metal from a canteen to connect their bait, which is part of a sea snail. The two sit for a while with no success, but decide to talk about life back home, with Duana opening up to William about a lot of troubles she's had in her life, particularly through growing up in a rough neighborhood. William tells Duana that she's much stronger than she believes, and that everyone on the tribe values her, pleased to see she's made a good recovery from her illness. Duana becomes emotional, admitting that she feared all her efforts to get into the game would have been fruitless had she been voted out first, but didn't want to be a burden on the tribe. William comforts Duana, with the two sitting and talking for an hour longer, before giving up on their attempts at catching a fish.

I may have not been successful at getting fish for the tribe. But I'm glad that I attempted to do so because it gave me a chance to speak with Duana, who up until now has really been struggling out here. I hope her heart is in the game because right now she seems emotionally exhausted. Y'know she's come into the game with a lot of baggage and that cant be easy on her. But if I can be her support out here I'm glad to be of use...


William is a really great guy. He reminds me of a lot of people who I knew when I was younger and looked up to. One thing that does concern me is the religious aspect of William... He's very much a spokesman for Christianity... and displays all the positive attributes one has when they follow Christ. But all religions have a darker side... and if William knew that I was gay, it could very easily change his perception of me as it has done to so many others in my life. Its not something I'm going to openly talk about for now... Maybe when I feel comfortable to do so I will tell someone on the tribe... But right now it stays with me.


Day 6

Both tribes receive tree mail informing them that they will be facing their next immunity challenge, which will involve eating unappetizing items. Everyone appears apprehensive as to what the items will be, but they know that winning immunity will be greatly important going forward in the game. Upon reaching the challenge, Maraamu are told to sit someone out. Despite Lotus and Ashley both asking to sit out, not wanting to eat unpleasant food, Randy demands he is the one who is sat out, claiming he has a "sensitive gag reflex", much to the amusement of the other players. Randy refuses to back down, and despite his tribes wishes, is sat out of the challenge.

Our tribe has reached a few bumps over the last few days. I wouldn't mind going to tribal council if it meant getting rid of some trouble makers on our tribe. But overall I'd love waiting a few more days until it comes to that.


If we don't win today it'll really back up everyone's beliefs that Rotu is a weak ass tribe. Maraamu compared to us is stacked with athletes, and we've got weak older men and athletic girls. I'm hoping that because of our desperation we'll be able to eat whatever is on the menu today...


Challenge: Marquesan Menu
Each tribe member would bob for fafaru (fish bathed in rotten marinade). If any tribe member could not keep it down or didn't eat it, they would lose.
Winner: Maraamu

Reward Challenge: Marquesas Menu
Result Tribe Competitors Sit-Outs
Won Maraamu Ashley MarquesasDaisy MarquesasHillary MarquesasIbrahim MarquesasLotus MarquesasRyan MarquesasTroy Marquesas
Ashley, Daisy, Hillary, Ibrahim, Lotus, Ryan, Troy
Randy Marquesas
Lost Rotu Alistair MarquesasDuana MarquesasJames MarquesasMartin MarquesasTish MarquesasUrsula MarquesasWilliam Marquesas
Alistair, Duana, James, Martin, Tish, Ursula, William
Round Breakdown
Round Maraamu Score Rotu Score Total Score
Round 1 Ashley Marquesas
1 William Marquesas
1 1-1
Round 2 Lotus Marquesas
1 Tish Marquesas
1 2-2
Round 3 Ibrahim Marquesas
1 James Marquesas
1 3-3
Round 4 Troy Marquesas
1 Martin Marquesas
1 4-4
Round 5 Hillary Marquesas
1 Alistair Marquesas
0 5-4
Round 6 Ryan Marquesas
1 Ursula Marquesas
1 6-5
Round 7 Daisy Marquesas
1 Duana Marquesas
1 7-6


The Rotu tribe return to camp having lost their third straight challenge, with this being their second immunity loss, meaning that they must vote another member out of the game. Alistair stands awkwardly, knowing he is once again the reason the tribe lost the challenge. Ursula, Tish and Duana quickly get together, agreeing on Alistair as the vote, confirming their plans they formed on day four. Alistair goes by the shelter where James and Martin are sat, deciding to see which of the girls he'll be targeting.

Quote1Whatever you guys want to do you just let me know.Quote2- Alistair
Quote1Of the others... I'd say Ursula.Quote2- James
Quote1I'm good with that.Quote2- Alistair
Quote1You know she just doesn't make the effort... She doesn't work around camp as much...Quote2- James
Quote1You don't even need to explain it. She's going. Martin you're in?Quote2- Alistair
Quote1Well course I'm in... what you think I'm gonna vote one of you out? (laughs)Quote2- Martin
Quote1You did have me a bit worried... (laughs)Quote2- Alistair
Alistair sucked today. That man sucks in every single dang challenge. Today we all ate that fafa... fafaru? Whatever its called. We all ate it... for no point... because Alistair didn't even try today and cost us another win. He didn't pull out the Ursula is weak card because she hasn't underperformed in these challenges... Maybe its time we sent Alistair on his way before he costs our tribe any more wins.


Me and the guys got talking about the vote, and we agreed on Ursula. I know James really wants to vote her out because of something she did to him earlier in the game. He says she annoys him, which is fine because she annoys me and Martin too. All we need know is to get William on our side and she goes home. I'm not even going to try and talk to one of the other girls... They're quite clearly banding together to get one of the guys out.


William sits with the three girls, washing off their clothes in the sea, trying to removed the foul smell of the fish marinate. Whilst there, the girls make sure to let William know of their plan, feeling as though he's the most likely of the men to join them in voting out Alistair.

Quote1We're voting Ali tonight.Quote2- Tish
Quote1All of you?Quote2- William
Quote1Yes Sir. He's been horrible... absolutely foul to us girls. As a man of God I hope that you don't reward someone like that.Quote2- Ursula
Quote1I don't condone Alistair's actions. But I'm keeping my religion separate to how I vote here...Quote2- William
Quote1All we need is for you to vote with us William. It shouldn't be hard... He screwed us these last few challenges. I adore James but we know his head isn't in the right place... Martin isn't exactly one to socialize with us... So it falls to you.Quote2- Tish
Quote1Don't tell me I'm the swing vote?Quote2- William
Quote1You absolutely are. My game is in your hands. I've been pleasant to everyone and I hope you see that... when you go to that parchment I hope you decide to rid us of the individual that has made us all feel down... and hasn't shown himself to be of any use in these competitions.Quote2- Ursula
If William doesn't side with the girls tonight I'll be shocked. He's someone that respects kindness and love... which in human form would be the antithesis of Alistair. I've actually tried to bond with William for reasons other than 'we share the same genitalia' or 'boys together'... You know these men only want to bond for those reasons.. But I think they underestimate the way William's mind works.


It seems unlikely that a man will side with the women when the tribe is split down gender lines. I do hope that William is the kind of individual who would surprise me though. If Alistair stays I worry for the tribe because it means these men will just pick off the girls until its just them left... Then they'll wonder why they still fail even though the 'weak girls' are out. Even though Ursula isn't particularly strong, if she goes tonight I worry for the future of Rotu.


Whilst walking back from washing their clothes, Duana gets William on his own, where she tells him that if he isn't going to vote Alistair, that he should let her know, as she'd rather vote with the majority, even if the vote is against Ursula. William nods, telling her that if it comes to that he'll make sure to give her the heads up.

I feel bad that I told William I was willing to vote out the girls if he didn't want to side with us. I feel I may have deterred him from even wanting to flip on the men... But I need to remember that I come first, and its best for me to stick with the majority... even if it means turning on Tish and Ursula. Which really would just break my heart this early in the game.


William heads over to the shelter, where Alistair lets him know of the plan, with Martin and James saying they're happy to go along with the vote against Ursula. William tells them he'll vote with them, despite not being set on what side he plans to vote with. Before tribal, Martin and William sit together, discussing who they feel they'd like to vote out, with Martin admitting that he feels Alistair is the weakest member of the tribe, and that it may be beneficial to vote him out next. William feels the same, but isn't sure whether making that decision would benefit them in the long run, as Ursula isn't someone who will be easily integrated into the group, and that voting out Alistair will only cause James to become distant from their alliance.

On either side there's someone who is willing to vote with me, meaning after this tribal council I can guarantee myself two allies in Duana and Martin. As they're open to whatever decision I make, it means I need to really consider who I'm voting for, and who will be more annoyed... Tish... or James... They're both counting on someone going home, but I'm going to have to upset one of them by voting Ursula or Alistair... Tish is a tough girl, and I could definitely see her becoming enraged if we keep Alistair around. James has already started showing signs of breaking down... and he aims a lot of his annoyance at Ursula and her performances in challenges and at camp... He's bound to get worse if she stays, and that would be losing one of our strongest members. I knew these decisions wouldn't be easy, but nothing prepares you for how difficult they truly are.


At tribal council the entire tribe voice their concerns for the future, feeling as though the rival Maraamu tribe is much stronger, and that unless the tribe remain unified they wont be able to win challenges. Ursula claims that unity no longer matters, as the unified vote last tribal "didn't strengthen the tribe one bit". Alistair says that the reason the tribe has failed to win challenges is due to weaker members still being present, calling out Ursula as the weakest in the tribe. James agrees with Alistair, feeling as though Ursula doesn't pull her weight around camp as much as the others. Tish comes to Ursula's defense, calling out Alistair for his behavior and performance in challenges, both of which have been poor. Despite highlighting all the negatives, the group once again praise William for his work ethic and moral boosting behavior, also claiming that Duana has impressed the group with her recovering and efforts over the past few days. Ursula commences the voting, with every member confidently writing down a name. Jeff collects the urn, with Tish and Ursula hoping that the others have sided with them in order to oust negative force Alistair from the game.

Quote1First vote... Alistair.Quote2- Jeff Probst
Quote1(laughs)Quote2- Alistair
Quote1Second vote... Alistair. That's two votes Alistair.Quote2- Jeff Probst
Quote1Third vote... Ursula.Quote2- Jeff Probst
Quote1Fourth vote... Ursula. We are tied, two votes Alistair, two votes Ursula.Quote2- Jeff Probst
Quote1Fifth vote... Alistair. That's three votes Alistair.Quote2- Jeff Probst
Quote1Sixth vote... second person voted out of Survivor Marquesas... Alistair. You need to bring me your torch.Quote2- Jeff Probst

Alistair looks visibly shocked as it is announced he has been voted out. James is seen shaking his head, pulling his buff over his face, disappointed with Ursula remaining in the game. Ursula and Tish both look pleased, thanking Martin and William for voting with them. The group head back to camp, hoping that the removal of their most negative member will give them the unity and the strength they need going forward in the game.

Tribal Council

Tribal Council 2:
Alistair Marquesas
Alistair (5 votes)
Duana MarquesasMartin MarquesasTish Marquesas
Ursula MarquesasWilliam Marquesas
Duana, Martin, Tish, Ursula & William
Ursula Marquesas
Ursula (2 votes)
Alistair MarquesasJames Marquesas
Alistair & James
Alistair Marquesas Eliminated

Voting Confessionals

Another weak link out the way.


Ali, I hope William was being real when he told me you were going.


You've made me uncomfortable several times in this game. Your laugh bugs the hell out of me, and you don't pull your weight around camp.


Sorry buddy, but you are the weak link you wanted out so bad.


I am so stoked to be voting you out, because I honestly feared that you'd be the goat dragged to the end of this thing.


Learn how to talk to people, because you dug your own grave with that big mouth of yours.


Alistair, although you were alright with me, you've spoken badly to and about several of our tribe mates. I feel as though your negative presence will bring us down further. I wish you the best. God bless man.


Final Words

Well this does come as a shock to me. Uh, I thought it was going to be Ursula tonight, but I guess the group would rather keep dead weight over me. I suppose I was a threat to them in the end and they wanted me out early. Whoever voted with me... thank you. The rest... screw you. This tribe was a laughing stock, and I'm glad to no longer be apart of it.


Still In The Running

Ashley Marquesas
Daisy Marquesas
Hillary Marquesas
Ibrahim Marquesas
Lotus Marquesas
Randy Marquesas
Ryan Marquesas
Troy Marquesas
Alistair Marquesas Eliminated
Duana Marquesas
James Marquesas
Martin Marquesas
Tish Marquesas
Ursula Marquesas
William Marquesas
Yuzuki Marquesas Eliminated